Sebastian Bergmann's Publications
- PHP 7 Explained
- Softwarequalität in PHP-Projekten
- Real-World Solutions for Developing High-Quality PHP Frameworks and Applications
- Professionelle Softwareentwicklung mit PHP 5
- PHP_CodeSniffer or PHP-CS-Fixer?
- PCOV or Xdebug?
- PHPUnit Code Sprint: March 2024
- PHP 7: Security Support Ends. Now what?
- Why I manage test fixture differently
- Ready Or Not, Here It Comes
- Do not mock what you do not own
- Caching makes everything faster. Right?
- Who wound the clock?
- Migrating to PHPUnit 9
- PHPUnit: A Security Risk?
- Help! My tests stopped working.
- Blast from the Past
- Who pays for PHP?
- Conferences: for Fun or Profit?
- Testing Keeps Me From Getting Things Done
- The Death Star Version Constraint